Thursday, July 21, 2011


He came into this world
A little bundle of joy
He looked around impatiently
And waited for her to join

She came into this world
Farther this world round
She basked in his love
And waited to be found

They grew up in two corners
Knowing deep in their hearts
They were meant to be together
Existing far apart

Somehow they always knew
Somewhere they were meant to be
But in the name of growing up
Mature was he, and she

Years passed and so did dreams
Of destiny love and fate
They chanced upon each other
Too little, too late

Why did you take so long? She asked
Where were you when I cried?
I was waiting for you right here, he said
Waiting the entire time

Why didn’t you wait for me? He asked
Why did you give up?
You were a figment of my imagination, she said
It was time to grow up

As fate shone down upon them
Victims of their own belief
This world claimed many a cynics
And drowned them in its grief

But two souls brought into this world
Meant to be, meant to be
Lost faith and yet found each other
And made their own destiny.


Atrisa said...

Went through quite a journey those two. I like!

Ila said...

Love it 1

RB said...


Don said...


Don said...

really nice :)

Maya Stills said...


Shreya said...

Thanks! :)

xyzandme said...


Amiya said...

Oh my. Shreya, this is AMAZING. I loved it. "Years passed, and so did dreams". Simply beautiful, all of this piece.