Beautiful day with absolutely clear skies... ten minute walk from campus...the towering structure...disguised as a harmless stroke of the creator’s brush on the horizon... small circular staircase...damp smell of abandonment at the entrance...rickety steps...broken railing...infinite pirouetting steps...disorientation...too far from the ground, yet no end in sight...continue climbing...praying for it to never make this mistake again... sunlight...a wobbly platform...the final jump onto cement...heart racing at the sight of the gaping hole a few steps away...pure darkness...the hope of water at the bottom...merely a hope...
The height, dizzying... the sight, breathtaking.
The force of the wind, astonishing... the fury, beautiful...the presence, liberating...
Satisfaction... elation... a rush...calmness... emotions... numbness...
Oh, that beautiful numbness.